Its time to raise my voice

Having brought up in a conservative family environment, raised by single mother along with two elder sisters, I haven’t open my thoughts and views on anything. Sometimes not even on my own personal choices. This has slowly made me dumb myself at places, where my voice must have heard and people acknowledge what I’m.

My Schooling didn’t made me realize my silence and how bad it is going to end up the timid and dormancy within me. Even in my graduation period, I didn’t realize “what kind of a person am I?”.

Then I moved out of the shell in getting exposed to the outside world with my career and took some serious decisions in my life that has really helped me shape out myself. I work for my family in the weekdays and I work for myself in the weekends. I voluntarily stayed out of reach of friends, family and relatives in my own terms and sometimes, even missed most important phases in my life that could have yearned some good deeds. But I was clear in finding out “What I am?”

To understand the World that I’m living in and how better that I could give back to it, I worked with great organizations and really had wonderful experience around which I will share in the coming blogs.

All these 2 years of journey with my public life and as a live spectator of our society, I found different levels in our society. I meet different sets of people with different attitudes, working for same but with different intention, the ambitious people group, the disparities among these people laid by themselves and some  indirectly by their traditional, cultural and ethical followings.

I saw people’s sufferings, hear their sorrows, witness their cryings and their inner feelings. This is where I couldn’t tolerate and withstand there being a mute spectator. This is where I discover the real ME in me.

I decided myself to be voice out for them and be heard as their voices. People might ask me, why don’t you empower and make them confident in letting their own voices heard. But this is something different that would be understood only by a dumb, irresponsible, timid person like me.

Hope to make much difference with  this IRaiseMyVoice blog to voice out for my own self

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